Have you been to your local Social Security office lately? You may want to avoid going by creating a personal my Social Security online account even if you haven’t retired yet! Use this account to review your earnings history, access your latest Social Security statement and get more information about your potential future benefits. Naturally the Social Security Administration has very high security and privacy standards so to open an online account you will need to answer multiple questions regarding your past addresses, financial accounts, and loans to confirm your identity. Please note that you will have to go into your local Social Security Office to create one of these accounts if you have a security freeze, fraud alert, or both on your credit report – sorry!
Social Security Retirement Estimator
This estimator calculates what your Social Security Benefit will be when you retire. You will need your full social security number, your date of birth, your mother’s maiden name, and your last year’s approximate earnings.
Genworth Cost of Long-Term Care
Use the tool at this link to estimate the cost of long-term care like home health care, adult day care, assisted living facility care, and nursing home care now and in the future for any particular state and region.
Traditional Long-Term Care Insurance premium estimates at Genworth
Use the tool at this link to find out what a real-world traditional long-term care insurance policy could cost you and what benefits it would provide - assuming of course that you qualified based on your age and health. Birds of a feather, flock together. The following are some of Red Feather Financial’s referral partners. These are trusted businesses that refer us clients and to whom we refer clients. We work intimately with such partners to provide our clients with personalized recommendations.
The Estate and Asset Protection Law Firm
was established to serve the legal needs of senior citizens when their health care needs increase. The Firm focuses its entire practice on Elder Law and Estate Planning matters, which encompasses the areas of Medicaid Planning, VA Benefits planning, Special Needs Planning, and Estate Planning.
Whether you are interested in our retirement planning process or how to pay for long-term care for an aging parent, our process follows a comprehensive and strategic path.