Year-End Financial Review Can Reveal Regrets And/Or Room For Improvement

Every single human being is like a snowflake.
Each different in so many ways. Every person’s fingerprints are unique, personalities are unique, and each person’s financial situation is also completely individual. As we approach the end of the year, I always encourage a year-end financial review to see if you are on track with your financial goals or could improve upon what you’ve been doing.
Very often this “review” turns into a session comprised of end of year regrets. Both clients and prospective clients ruminate on the multitude of things they “coulda, shoulda, woulda done, but didn’t take action on.” Of course these are all things they believe could have improved their financial standing. They aren’t always right, nor are they always wrong.
The Benefit of Better Planning
The beauty of a year-end review, whether you are despairing over what you didn’t do or are discovering things that you can do better, is that you can make amends with yourself. This is the time to take action and prevent yourself from an end-of-year-regret session when December 2019 rolls around.
A financial plan built on taking small, manageable steps can lead to momentum that can be sustained as you watch your goals come into reach. Schedule a financial review now. Get it done and cross it off your list. That, in and of itself, can be a completely gratifying experience. Give us a call and let Red Feather Financial put you on track for a red-letter year.